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How to start photography business on a budget

October 29, 2013

Filed in: Uncategorized

Hello Everyone!
When you open a business the last thing you want to do is to invest lots of money until your business starts actually making money for ya, right?
Yes, this is how I felt.
But being a photographer I thought I have to provide my clients with something they would love to see
 and its yet affordable for me.
As I searched the web I found amazing marketing packages to start a photography business, but hey…they aren’t inexpensive.
I chose a cute but affordable way to represent my photography business.
First thing I did -I designed some pretty simple business cards that would go with my blog theme and ordered them through 
I also ordered some Thank You cards through VISTAPRINT
Once the client schedule a session I send out a Welcome package with session date and time confirmation as well as some useful information how to prepare for the session.

Just like in any business we have to keep up with the technology that is out there.
 Providing a CD for my clients wasn’t my choice. 
I decided to provide all my clients with high resolution, hand edited images on a USB drive.
 I also include a set of pictures re sized for web so they can share their gorgeous pictures on any social media they wish.
Flash drive was a perfect choice.
You probably wonder how expensive a USB drive would be..?
Let me tell you, by the time you buy your CD, your CD holder and you design your cover plus you print the cover it’s pretty much same in price.
 I found a very reasonable company and ordered these fantastic super cute flash drives.
The flash drive displays my logo as well as my photography web address at the back which is a great marketing tool for my business. { just realized I didn’t take a picture of the back..}
They come in different sizes ,  1 GB, 2 GB, 4 GB.
To embellish these super cute drives, I picked out a polka dot ribbon and tide a little bow on.
 I ♥ them
I Thank for my clients with a short note written inside the Thank You cards.
If you would like to see how I store these
flash drives and business cards
Thanks for visiting! 
 photo EF115F2DC23BDCEF2836A0DC4259602E_zps46160045.png

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