I had a pleasure to work with this stunning momma. She was absolutely gorgeous and she was a super model, too. Look at her pretty belly! Cute as a button! I worked with her in the first 40 minutes and then we took some great family shots as well. Can’t wait to photograph her adorable […]
I had a pleasure to photograph this wonderful family back in April. We went out to this open field and had a fun hour together. We had a beautiful evening and they were totally natural and very comfortable being photographed. Enjoy !
It’s been a while since I wrote a blog post of a session. However, that does not mean I wasn’t busy working:-) I will catch up on the sessions that I had not been able to post about in the next week or two, so be sure to check back here. I had a pleasure […]
Look at these boys…they are my everything. I know I am their mother and what else would you want to hear from me other than I seriously think that my children are the cutest kids in this planet-haha. Of course, right? They are not only fun, bright, full of energy but they have a big […]
This post is a bit outdated but here is the new 2019 SPRING MINI SESSIONS post and details! It is this time of the year again. Time to get your session booked for a fabulous Spring Mini. Are you excited? I will have one day opened for mini sessions. *Location to be announced soon – […]
At the end of last year I was assisting Ashley Glasco Photography to shoot this absolutely gorgeous wedding. I loved everything about K & W big day. I just loved how everything was planned and set up. The cute DIY-ed and rustic theme could not be better. I am sharing some of my favorite images […]
I can finally catch up on last November’s mini sessions. With the holidays and busy December I did not write a post on my minis, however there were many sessions that I just loved. Like this one.I had a pleasure to work with these cuties on a sunny Sunday morning. They were just incredible good […]
AWESOME NEWS!! I have been wanting to do a GIVEAWAY for quite sometime and I thought right around Christmas and the New Year is actually the perfect time for it! It could be a great gift for anyone! The session that I am giving away could be used anytime in 2015 for FamiliesCouplesEngagement sessionKids What […]
What a gorgeous Senior? I had a pleasure to shoot Katie on a sunny evening out in Meadow park. The sunset bright colors were playing for our favor. Also, the day before they had a huge festival and this old train was left there that we used as a background pop for some shots. Katie […]
Oh…such cute little family I had a chance to photograph. They were the cutest thing. Baby #2 just arrived 5 short weeks ago and for my biggest surprise he was a sleeping angel. Even when he wasn’t asleep, he was quite as he could be. I remember for my second child at 5 weeks, he […]